Hermits United Hermits United
Hermits United

Guillaume Decourt


Guillaume Decourt spent his childhood in Israel, Germany, and Belgium, then lived in the Forez mountains, Mayotte, and New Caledonia. Today, he divides his time between Paris and Athens. He has published more than ten collections of poetry, including Un gratte-ciel, des gratte-ciel (Lanskine, 2019), À 80 km de Monterey (Æthalidès, 2021), and Le Bonjour de Christopher Graham (Æthalidès, 2023). In 2024, he was awarded the Prix Max-Jacob and the Prix Lucette-Moreau de l’Académie française for Lundi propre (La Table Ronde, 2023). Party Time, translated by Spencer Matheson from Un temps de fête (La Table Ronde, 2024), is the first of Decourts poetry collections to appear in English.

Photo of Guillaume Decourt